Monday, May 22, 2006

The Corocub has flown! It turns out to be a great, sweet flyer too. Take offs are about as straight forward as they can be and landings are close to automatic. The chord on the wing is deep and the span is wide, so it wants to fly with very little power. Loops and rolls are very responsive.

We spent the day flying and never did really empty the 12 oz tank. 20 minutes of flying at nearly full throttle might empty the tank, bu full throttle is not this birds favorite thing. It is too much fun just to slow it down and make repeated low passes down the runway, admiring the look of this mid-size bird.

On the first day, we had an episode of ground loop that pointed out one of the weaknesses of the original design. The wing mount structure is a little weak, so we have gone back to the drawing boards on that item and believe we have it setup so that it will take total destruction to kill the wing mount. Likely as not, the next ground loop will result in a broken prop and little other damage, beyond the inevitable injured pride. The plane will be OK unless we stuff it in so badly that we destroy the fuse itself. Long story shortened (a little), the plane is ready for sale to interested spad lovers.

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